剪贴板 Clipboard

clipboard 概览


The clipboard package provides helpers for working with the system clipboard.

cdkCopyToClipboard 指令可以很容易地为现有元素添加 copy-on-click 功能。指令选择器同时用作待复制文本的 @Input()

The cdkCopyToClipboard directive can be used to easily add copy-on-click functionality to an existing element. The directive selector doubles as an @Input() for the text to be copied.

<img src="avatar.jpg" alt="Hero avatar" [cdkCopyToClipboard]="getShortBio()">
Clipboard overview

Clipboard 服务会将文本复制到用户的剪贴板中。它有两个方法:copybeginCopy。如果要复制相对少量的文本,你可以调用 copy 来把它放在剪贴板上。

The Clipboard service copies text to the user's clipboard. It has two methods: copy and beginCopy. For cases where you are copying a relatively small amount of text, you can call copy directly to place it on the clipboard.

class HeroProfile {
  constructor(private clipboard: Clipboard) {}

  copyHeroName() {

但是,对于更长的文本,浏览器需要时间来填充一个临时 textarea 元素并复制内容。在这种情况下,直接调用 copy 可能会失败,所以你可以通过调用 beginCopy 来预加载该文本。这个方法会返回一个 PendingCopy 对象,它有一个 copy 方法来真正复制缓存的文本。请注意,如果你调用过 beginCopy ,就必须在完成后调用 destroy 来清理这个 PendingCopy 对象。

However, for longer text the browser needs time to fill an intermediate textarea element and copy the content. Directly calling copy may fail in this case, so you can pre-load the text by calling beginCopy. This method returns a PendingCopy object that has a copy method to finish copying the text that was buffered. Please note, if you call beginCopy, you must clean up the PendingCopy object by calling destroy on it after you are finished.

class HeroProfile {
  lifetimeAchievements: string;

  constructor(private clipboard: Clipboard) {}

  copyAchievements() {
    const pending = this.clipboard.beginCopy(this.lifetimeAchievements);
    let remainingAttempts = 3;
    const attempt = () => {
      const result = pending.copy();
      if (!result && --remainingAttempts) {
      } else {
        // Remember to destroy when you're done!

如果你在使用 cdkCopyToClipboard,则可以传入 cdkCopyToClipboardAttempts 输入属性要求在复制这些文本时自动重试指定的次数。

If you're using the cdkCopyToClipboard you can pass in the cdkCopyToClipboardAttempts input to automatically attempt to copy some text a certain number of times.

<button [cdkCopyToClipboard]="longText" [cdkCopyToClipboardAttempts]="5">Copy text</button>