拖放 Drag and Drop

drag-drop 概览

@angular/cdk/drag-drop 模块为你提供了一种方便易用、声明性地创建可拖放界面的方式,它支持自由拖动、在列表中排序、在列表之间转移条目、动画、触控设备、自定义拖动把手、预览和占位符,以及水平列表和轴向锁定。

The @angular/cdk/drag-drop module provides you with a way to easily and declaratively create drag-and-drop interfaces, with support for free dragging, sorting within a list, transferring items between lists, animations, touch devices, custom drag handles, previews, and placeholders, in addition to horizontal lists and locking along an axis.

首先,将 DragDropModule 导入到要使用拖放功能的 NgModule 中。这样你就可以把 cdkDrag 指令添加到元素中,让它们变得可拖动了。当没有 cdkDropList 元素的时候,可拖动元素可以在页面中自由移动。你可以添加 cdkDropList 元素来约束元素可以被扔在哪里。

Start by importing DragDropModule into the NgModule where you want to use drag-and-drop features. You can now add the cdkDrag directive to elements to make them draggable. When outside of a cdkDropList element, draggable elements can be freely moved around the page. You can add cdkDropList elements to constrain where elements may be dropped.

Basic Drag&Drop
Drag me around

在一组 cdkDrag 元素外添加一个 cdkDropList 包装可以把这些可拖曳元素分组成一个可重新排序的集合。当元素移动时,这些条目会自动重新排序。注意,这不会更新你的数据模型,你可以监听 cdkDropListDropped 事件,以便在用户完成拖放操作后更新数据模型。

Adding cdkDropList around a set of cdkDrag elements groups the draggables into a reorderable collection. Items will automatically rearrange as an element moves. Note that this will not update your data model; you can listen to the cdkDropListDropped event to update the data model once the user finishes dragging.

Drag&Drop sorting
Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Episode II - Attack of the Clones
Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Episode IV - A New Hope
Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Episode VII - The Force Awakens
Episode VIII - The Last Jedi
Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker

cdkDropList 指令支持在相互连接的拖放区之间转移要拖动的项。你可以把一个或多个 cdkDropList 实例连接起来,方法是设置 cdkDropListConnectedTo 属性,或把这些元素包含在带有 cdkDropListGroup 属性的元素中。

The cdkDropList directive supports transferring dragged items between connected drop zones. You can connect one or more cdkDropList instances together by setting the cdkDropListConnectedTo property or by wrapping the elements in an element with the cdkDropListGroup attribute.

Drag&Drop connected sorting

To do

Get to work
Pick up groceries
Go home
Fall asleep


Get up
Brush teeth
Take a shower
Check e-mail
Walk dog

注意,cdkDropListConnectedTo 既可以直接引用其它拖放容器(cdkDropList)的实例,也可以引用其它拖放容器的 id

Note that cdkDropListConnectedTo works both with a direct reference to another cdkDropList, or by referencing the id of another drop container:

<!-- This is valid -->
<div cdkDropList #listOne="cdkDropList" [cdkDropListConnectedTo]="[listTwo]"></div>
<div cdkDropList #listTwo="cdkDropList" [cdkDropListConnectedTo]="[listOne]"></div>

<!-- This is valid as well -->
<div cdkDropList id="list-one" [cdkDropListConnectedTo]="['list-two']"></div>
<div cdkDropList id="list-two" [cdkDropListConnectedTo]="['list-one']"></div>

如果有一个未知数量的连接拖放列表,你也可以使用 cdkDropListGroup 指令来自动建立连接。注意,添加到组下的所有新 cdkDropList 都会自动和其它的列表连接起来。

If you have an unknown number of connected drop lists, you can use the cdkDropListGroup directive to set up the connection automatically. Note that any new cdkDropList that is added under a group will be connected to all other lists automatically.

<div cdkDropListGroup>
  <!-- All lists in here will be connected. -->
  <div cdkDropList *ngFor="let list of lists"></div>
Drag&Drop connected sorting group

To do

Get to work
Pick up groceries
Go home
Fall asleep


Get up
Brush teeth
Take a shower
Check e-mail
Walk dog

你可以把通过设置 cdkDragDatacdkDropListData 来分别让 cdkDragcdkDropList 与任意数据关联起来。这两个指令触发的事件都包含这些数据,可以让你轻松地识别出拖放的来源。

You can associate some arbitrary data with both cdkDrag and cdkDropList by setting cdkDragData or cdkDropListData, respectively. Events fired from both directives include this data, allowing you to easily identify the origin of the drag or drop interaction.

<div cdkDropList [cdkDropListData]="list" *ngFor="let list of lists" (cdkDropListDropped)="drop($event)">
  <div cdkDrag [cdkDragData]="item" *ngFor="let item of list"></div>

cdkDragcdkDropList 指令只包含使用此功能时必需的那些样式。然后,该应用可以通过那些由指令添加的 CSS 类来定制这些元素:

The cdkDrag and cdkDropList directive include only those styles strictly necessary for functionality. The application can then customize the elements by styling CSS classes added by the directives:






对应于 cdkDropList 容器。

Corresponds to the cdkDropList container.


对应于 cdkDrag 实例。

Corresponds to a cdkDrag instance.


要添加到已禁用的 cdkDrag 上的类。

Class that is added to a disabled cdkDrag.


要添加到 cdkDragHandle 指令的宿主元素上的类。

Class that is added to the host element of the cdkDragHandle directive.



This is the element that will be rendered next to the user's cursor as they're dragging an item in a sortable list. By default the element looks exactly like the element that is being dragged.


这是一个在拖入 cdkDropList 时要显示的元素,但不是真正的元素。默认情况下,它看上去和要排序的元素完全一样。

This is element that will be shown instead of the real element as it's being dragged inside a cdkDropList. By default this will look exactly like the element that is being sorted.


当用户拖动条目时,添加到 cdkDropList 上的类。

A class that is added to cdkDropList while the user is dragging an item.


cdkDropList 禁用时添加的一个类。

A class that is added to cdkDropList when it is disabled.


cdkDropList 可以接受某个拖动进关联拖放列表时,添加到 cdkDropList 上的类。

A class that is added to cdkDropList when it can receive an item that is being dragged inside a connected drop list.

拖放模块既支持对列表中的元素进行排序时的动画,也支持用户将其拖放到列表中最终位置时的动画。要设置动画,你就必须定义一个以包含 transform 属性的 transition。动画中可以使用下列如下 CSS 类:

The drag-and-drop module supports animations both while sorting an element inside a list, as well as animating it from the position that the user dropped it to its final place in the list. To set up your animations, you have to define a transition that targets the transform property. The following classes can be used for animations:

  • .cdk-drag - 如果你把 transition 添加到该类中,当用户在列表中进行排序时,它就会播放动画。

    .cdk-drag - If you add a transition to this class, it'll animate as the user is sorting through a list.

  • .cdk-drag-animating - 当用户停止拖动时,该类就会添加到 cdkDrag 上。如果你给它添加了一个 transition,那么 CDK 就会把该元素从它的拖放位置动画到其在 cdkDropList 容器内的最终位置。

    .cdk-drag-animating - This class is added to a cdkDrag when the user has stopped dragging. If you add a transition to it, the CDK will animate the element from its drop position to the final position inside the cdkDropList container.


Example animations:

/* Animate items as they're being sorted. */
.cdk-drop-list-dragging .cdk-drag {
  transition: transform 250ms cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1);

/* Animate an item that has been dropped. */
.cdk-drag-animating {
  transition: transform 300ms cubic-bezier(0, 0, 0.2, 1);

默认情况下,用户都可以拖动整个 cdkDrag 元素来移动它。如果要限制用户只能使用某个拖动把手元素,你可以把 cdkDragHandle 指令添加到 cdkDrag 内部的某个元素上。注意,你可以有任意多个 cdkDragHandle 元素:

By default, the user can drag the entire cdkDrag element to move it around. If you want to restrict the user to only be able to do so using a handle element, you can do it by adding the cdkDragHandle directive to an element inside of cdkDrag. Note that you can have as many cdkDragHandle elements as you want:

Drag&Drop with a handle
I can only be dragged using the handle

当拾起 cdkDrag 元素时,它会在拖动过程中创建一个可见的预览元素。默认情况下,这将是位于用户光标旁边的原始元素的克隆体。但是,通过由 *cdkDragPreview 提供的自定义模板,可以自定义此预览。 使用此默认配置时,自定义预览不会匹配原始被拖动元素的大小,因为 CDK 不能对该元素的内容做任何假设。如果你希望匹配其大小,可以给输入参数 matchSize 传入 true

When a cdkDrag element is picked up, it will create a preview element visible while dragging. By default, this will be a clone of the original element positioned next to the user's cursor. This preview can be customized, though, by providing a custom template via *cdkDragPreview. Using the default configuration the custom preview won't match the size of the original dragged element, because the CDK doesn't make assumptions about the element's content. If you want the size to be matched, you can pass true to the matchSize input.

注意,克隆元素时会删除它的 id 属性,以免在页面中拥有多个具有相同 id 的元素。这会导致任何以此 id 为目标的 CSS 都不能应用在这个预览元素上。

Note that the cloned element will remove its id attribute in order to avoid having multiple elements with the same id on the page. This will cause any CSS that targets that id not to be applied.

Drag&Drop custom preview
Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Episode II - Attack of the Clones
Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Episode IV - A New Hope
Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Episode VII - The Force Awakens
Episode VIII - The Last Jedi
Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker

在拖动 cdkDrag 元素的同时,CDK 会创建一个占位符元素,它会显示在要放置的位置上。默认的占位符是被拖元素的克隆体,但你可以使用 *cdkDragPlaceholder 指令来把它替换为自定义的版本:

While a cdkDrag element is being dragged, the CDK will create a placeholder element that will show where it will be placed when it's dropped. By default the placeholder is a clone of the element that is being dragged, however you can replace it with a custom one using the *cdkDragPlaceholder directive:

Drag&Drop custom placeholder
Episode I - The Phantom Menace
Episode II - Attack of the Clones
Episode III - Revenge of the Sith
Episode IV - A New Hope
Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back
Episode VI - Return of the Jedi
Episode VII - The Force Awakens
Episode VIII - The Last Jedi
Episode IX – The Rise of Skywalker

默认情况下,cdkDropList 指令假设列表是垂直的。可以把 orientation 属性设置为 "horizontal" 来改变它。

The cdkDropList directive assumes that lists are vertical by default. This can be changed by setting the orientation property to "horizontal".

Drag&Drop horizontal sorting
Bronze age
Iron age
Middle ages
Early modern period
Long nineteenth century

如果想阻止用户把某个 cdkDrag 元素拖到另一个元素外部,你可以把一个 CSS 选择器传递给 cdkDragBoundary 属性。该属性的工作原理是接受一个选择器并查找该 DOM,直到找到一个与之匹配的元素。如果找到了匹配项,它就会用作该元素无法拖出的边界。当 cdkDrag 位于 cdkDropList 中时,也可以用 cdkDragBoundary 来达到相同效果。

If you want to stop the user from being able to drag a cdkDrag element outside of another element, you can pass a CSS selector to the cdkDragBoundary attribute. The attribute works by accepting a selector and looking up the DOM until it finds an element that matches it. If a match is found, it'll be used as the boundary outside of which the element can't be dragged. cdkDragBoundary can also be used when cdkDrag is placed inside a cdkDropList.

Drag&Drop boundary
I can only be dragged within the dotted container

默认情况下,cdkDrag 允许所有方向的自由移动。要想限定只能沿特定的轴移动,可以把 cdkDrag 上的 cdkDragLockAxiscdkDropList 上的 lockAxis 设置为 "x""y"

By default, cdkDrag allows free movement in all directions. To restrict dragging to a specific axis, you can set cdkDragLockAxis on cdkDrag or cdkDropListLockAxis on cdkDropList to either "x" or "y".

Drag&Drop position locking
I can only be dragged up/down
I can only be dragged left/right

如果你想要把某个元素做成可拖动的,但却无法直接访问它,你可以借助 cdkDragRootElement 属性。该属性的工作原理是接受一个选择器并查找 DOM,直到它找到一个与该选择器匹配的元素。如果找到了某个元素,它就会成为用户在拖动时所移动的替代元素。这对于让对话框可拖动之类的场景非常有用。

If there's an element that you want to make draggable, but you don't have direct access to it, you can use the cdkDragRootElement attribute. The attribute works by accepting a selector and looking up the DOM until it finds an element that matches the selector. If an element is found, it'll become the element that is moved as the user is dragging. This is useful for cases like making a dialog draggable.

Drag&Drop with alternate root element

默认情况下,一个容器中的所有 cdkDrag 项都可以移动到另一个相连的容器中。如果你想对可拖放的条目进行更精细的控制,你可以使用 cdkDropListEnterPredicate ,它会在条目即将进入新容器时调用。根据它是返回的是 true 还是 false,可以允许或不允许该条目进入新容器。

By default, all cdkDrag items from one container can be moved into another connected container. If you want more fine-grained control over which items can be dropped, you can use the cdkDropListEnterPredicate which will be called whenever an item is about to enter a new container. Depending on whether the predicate returns true or false, the item may or may not be allowed into the new container.

Drag&Drop enter predicate

Available numbers


Even numbers


如果要对特定的条目禁用拖曳,你可以在 cdkDrag 条目上设置输入属性 cdkDragDisabled。你还可以使用 cdkDropList 上的输入属性 cdkDropListDisabled 来禁用整个列表或 cdkDragHandle 上的 cdkDragHandleDisabled 来进行特定的拖动手柄。

If you want to disable dragging for a particular drag item, you can do so by setting the cdkDragDisabled input on a cdkDrag item. Furthermore, you can disable an entire list using the cdkDropListDisabled input on a cdkDropList or a particular handle via cdkDragHandleDisabled on cdkDragHandle.

Drag&Drop disabled
I can be dragged
I cannot be dragged
I can also be dragged

某些情况下,可拖动的条目可以从一个列表拖到另一个列表中,但用户不应该在源列表中对它们进行排序。对于这些情况,你可以设置 cdkDropListSortingDisabled 输入,它会阻止 cdkDropList 保留被拖动条目在源列表中的初始位置(如果用户决定退回该条目)。

There are cases where draggable items can be dragged out of one list into another, however the user shouldn't be able to sort them within the source list. For these cases you can set the cdkDropListSortingDisabled input which will prevent the items in a cdkDropList from sorting, in addition to preserving the dragged item's initial position in the source list, if the user decides to return the item.

Drag&Drop disabled sorting

Available items


Shopping basket


默认情况下,只要用户把指针放在 cdkDrag ,就会启动拖动序列。这种对于触控设备上的全屏可拖动元素等情况可能并不理想,因为用户在滚动页面时可能会意外触发拖动。对于这类情况,你可以使用输入属性 cdkDragStartDelay 来延迟拖动,它会先等待用户按住指定的毫秒数之后才开始移动此元素。

By default as soon as the user puts their pointer down on a cdkDrag, the dragging sequence will be started. This might not be desirable in cases like fullscreen draggable elements on touch devices where the user might accidentally trigger a drag as they're scrolling the page. For cases like these you can delay the dragging sequence using the cdkDragStartDelay input which will wait for the user to hold down their pointer for the specified number of milliseconds before moving the element.

Delayed dragging
Dragging starts after one second

默认情况下,独立的 cdkDrag 元素只有当用户手动移动时,才会从其常规 DOM 位置移开。通过输入属性 cdkDragFreeDragPosition 可以显式设置该元素的位置。例如,应用程序通常会这样做:当用户导航离开后,自动还原可拖动对象的位置,然后返回。

By default, standalone cdkDrag elements move from their normal DOM position only when manually moved by a user. The element's position can be explicitly set, however, via the cdkDragFreeDragPosition input. Applications commonly use this, for example, to restore a draggable's position after a user has navigated away and then returned.

Programmatically setting the free drag position

Drag me around

默认情况下,cdkDrag 的条目可以放到 cdkDropList 中的任意位置(序号)上。你可以通过设置 cdkDropListSortPredicate 来改变这种行为。每当一个条目要移到一个新的序号上时,就会调用一个谓词函数。如果该谓词返回 true ,则该项将被移入新序号,否则会保持当前位置。

cdkDrag items can be sorted into any position inside of a cdkDropList by default. You can change this behavior by setting a cdkDropListSortPredicate. The predicate function will be called whenever an item is about to be moved into a new index. If the predicate returns true, the item will be moved into the new index, otherwise it will keep its current position.

Drag&Drop sort predicate