列表 List

list 概览

<mat-list> 是一个容器组件,用于包装和格式化一系列条目。 作为最基本的列表组件,它提供了 Material Design 的样式,但是并没有定义属于自己的行为。

<mat-list> is a container component that wraps and formats a series of line items. As the base list component, it provides Material Design styling, but no behavior of its own.

Basic list
Item 1
Item 2
Item 3

每个 <mat-list> 元素包含一组 <mat-list-item> 元素。

An <mat-list> element contains a number of <mat-list-item> elements.

 <mat-list-item> Pepper </mat-list-item>
 <mat-list-item> Salt </mat-list-item>
 <mat-list-item> Paprika </mat-list-item>

使用 mat-nav-list 标记来表示导航列表(即带链接的列表)。

Use mat-nav-list tags for navigation lists (i.e. lists that have anchor tags).

简单导航列表可以直接把 mat-list-item 属性用在链接上:

Simple navigation lists can use the mat-list-item attribute on anchor tag elements directly:

   <a mat-list-item href="..." *ngFor="let link of links"> {{ link }} </a>

对于更复杂的导航列表(比如:每个条目具有多个目标时),可以把链接包裹在 <mat-list-item> 中。

For more complex navigation lists (e.g. with more than one target per item), wrap the anchor element in an <mat-list-item>.

  <mat-list-item *ngFor="let link of links">
     <a matLine href="...">{{ link }}</a>
     <button mat-icon-button (click)="showInfo(link)">

当列表中的每个项都要执行某种动作时,使用 <mat-action-list> 元素。动作列表中的每一项都是一个 <button> 元素。

Use the <mat-action-list> element when each item in the list performs some action. Each item in an action list is a <button> element.

简单的动作列表可以直接用 mat-list-item 属性添加在 button 元素上。

Simple action lists can use the mat-list-item attribute on button tag elements directly:

  <button mat-list-item (click)="save()"> Save </button>
  <button mat-list-item (click)="undo()"> Undo </button>


A selection list provides an interface for selecting values, where each list item is an option.

List with selection

Options selected: 0


The options within a selection-list should not contain further interactive controls, such as buttons and anchors.

对于每个条目需要多行内容的列表,可以给每一行标注 matLine 属性。 这里应该使用一个在你的 DOM 层次下最恰当的标题标记(不一定要要像下面的例子中这样用 <h3>)。

For lists that require multiple lines per item, annotate each line with an matLine attribute. Whichever heading tag is appropriate for your DOM hierarchy should be used (not necessarily <h3> as shown in the example).

<!-- two line list -->
  <mat-list-item *ngFor="let message of messages">
    <h3 matLine> {{message.from}} </h3>
    <p matLine>
      <span> {{message.subject}} </span>
      <span class="demo-2"> -- {{message.content}} </span>

<!-- three line list -->
  <mat-list-item *ngFor="let message of messages">
    <h3 matLine> {{message.from}} </h3>
    <p matLine> {{message.subject}} </p>
    <p matLine class="demo-2"> {{message.content}} </p>

要想给列表条目添加图标,请使用 matListIcon 属性。

To add an icon to your list item, use the matListIcon attribute.

  <mat-list-item *ngFor="let message of messages">
    <mat-icon matListIcon>folder</mat-icon>
    <h3 matLine> {{message.from}} </h3>
    <p matLine>
      <span> {{message.subject}} </span>
      <span class="demo-2"> -- {{message.content}} </span>

要包含一个头像,请添加一个带有 matListAvatar 属性的图像标记。

To include an avatar image, add an image tag with an matListAvatar attribute.

  <mat-list-item *ngFor="let message of messages">
    <img matListAvatar src="..." alt="...">
    <h3 matLine> {{message.from}} </h3>
    <p matLine>
      <span> {{message.subject}} </span>
      <span class="demo-2"> -- {{message.content}} </span>

列表还能用在 "密集布局" 模式下,该模式会缩小列表的字体大小和高度,以适应那些需要显示更多信息的 UI。 要启用此模式,请给主标记 mat-list 添加 dense 属性。

Lists are also available in "dense layout" mode, which shrinks the font size and height of the list to suit UIs that may need to display more information. To enable this mode, add a dense attribute to the main mat-list tag.

<mat-list dense>
 <mat-list-item> Pepper </mat-list-item>
 <mat-list-item> Salt </mat-list-item>
 <mat-list-item> Paprika </mat-list-item>

可以通过带 matSubheader 属性的标题标记来为列表添加子标题。 要想添加分隔符,可以用 <mat-divider>

Subheader can be added to a list by annotating a heading tag with an matSubheader attribute. To add a divider, use <mat-divider>.

   <h3 matSubheader>Folders</h3>
   <mat-list-item *ngFor="let folder of folders">
      <mat-icon matListIcon>folder</mat-icon>
      <h4 matLine>{{folder.name}}</h4>
      <p matLine class="demo-2"> {{folder.updated}} </p>
   <h3 matSubheader>Notes</h3>
   <mat-list-item *ngFor="let note of notes">
      <mat-icon matListIcon>note</mat-icon>
      <h4 matLine>{{note.name}}</h4>
      <p matLine class="demo-2"> {{note.updated}} </p>


The type of list used in any given situation depends on how the end-user will be interacting with it.

当列表条目导航到某处时,<mat-nav-list> 应该和 <a mat-list-item> 元素一起使用。 导航列表将使用 role="navigation" 进行渲染,并通过 aria-label 来为导航列表的选项集提供上下文。 不要把额外的交互内容(比如按钮)填加到链接内部。

When the list-items navigate somewhere, <mat-nav-list> should be used with <a mat-list-item> elements as the list items. The nav-list will be rendered using role="navigation" and can be given an aria-label to give context on the set of navigation options presented. Additional interactive content, such as buttons, should not be added inside the anchors.

当列表主要用于选择一个或多个值时,<mat-selection-list> 应该和 <mat-list-option> 一起使用,它们会分别映射到 role="listbox"role="option"。 这种列表应该给出一个 aria-label 以描述供选择的一个或多个值。 每个选项都应该包含任何额外的交互元素(比如按钮)。

When the list is primarily used to select one or more values, a <mat-selection-list> should be used with <mat-list-option>, which map to role="listbox" and role="option", respectively. The list should be given an aria-label that describes the value or values being selected. Each option should not contain any additional interactive elements, such as buttons.

默认情况下,列表组件假定自己是纯装饰性的,因此不设置任何角色、ARIA 属性或键盘快捷键。 这相当于页面上有一系列 <div> 元素。列表内部的任何交互式内容都应该根据应用程序的特定工作流进行适当的无障碍性处理。

By default, the list assumes that it will be used in a purely decorative fashion and thus sets no roles, ARIA attributes, or keyboard shortcuts. This is equivalent to having a sequence of <div> elements on the page. Any interactive content within the list should be given an appropriate accessibility treatment based on the specific workflow of your application.

如果列表组件用于呈现非交互式内容项的列表,那么列表元素应该带有 role="list" 属性,并且每个列表条目都应该带有 role="listitem" 属性。

If the list is used to present a list of non-interactive content items, then the list element should be given role="list" and each list item should be given role="listitem".