网格列表 Grid list

grid-list 概览

mat-grid-list 是一个二维列表,用于把一些单元格按基于网格的布局排列。 参见这里的 Material Design 规范。

mat-grid-list is a two-dimensional list view that arranges cells into grid-based layout. See Material Design spec here.

Basic grid-list

mat-grid-list 必须指定一个 cols 属性,用来设置网格的列数。 行数将会根据列数和条目总数自动确定。

An mat-grid-list must specify a cols attribute which sets the number of columns in the grid. The number of rows will be automatically determined based on the number of columns and the number of items.

网格列表中的行高可以通过 rowHeight 属性来设置。列表的行高会用三种方式计算得出:

The height of the rows in a grid list can be set via the rowHeight attribute. Row height for the list can be calculated in three ways:

  1. 固定行高:高度可以为 pxemrem。如果没有指定单位,则默认为 px(比如 100px5em250)。

    Fixed height: The height can be in px, em, or rem. If no units are specified, px units are assumed (e.g. 100px, 5em, 250).

  2. 宽高比:该比例表示 "列宽:行高",并须用冒号形式表示(比如 4:3),不能用数字。

    Ratio: This ratio is column-width:row-height, and must be passed in with a colon, not a decimal (e.g. 4:3).

  3. 填充:把 rowHeight 设置为 fit。该模式将会自动根据行数对有效高度进行分割。请注意,必须设置网格列表的高度或其容器的高度。

    Fit: Setting rowHeight to fit This mode automatically divides the available height by the number of rows. Please note the height of the grid-list or its container must be set.

如果没有指定 rowHeight,则默认为宽高比是 1:1

If rowHeight is not specified, it defaults to a 1:1 ratio of width:height.

装订尺寸可以使用 gutterSize 属性来设置为任意 pxemrem 值。 如果没有指定单位,则默认为 px。默认的装订尺寸是 1px

The gutter size can be set to any px, em, or rem value with the gutterSize property. If no units are specified, px units are assumed. By default the gutter size is 1px.

使用 rowspancolspan 可以为每个 mat-grid-tile 单独设置行合并数或列合并数。如果没设置过,它们默认为 1colspan 不能超过 mat-grid-list 中的 cols 数。对 rowspan 则没有限制,不过,可能会为了满足 rowspan 的要求而自动添加一些行。

It is possible to set the rowspan and colspan of each mat-grid-tile individually, using the rowspan and colspan properties. If not set, they both default to 1. The colspan must not exceed the number of cols in the mat-grid-list. There is no such restriction on the rowspan however, more rows will simply be added for it the tile to fill.

可以用 mat-grid-tile-headermat-grid-tile-footer 元素来为 mat-grid-tile 分别添加头部和尾部。

A header and footer can be added to an mat-grid-tile using the mat-grid-tile-header and mat-grid-tile-footer elements respectively.

默认情况下,网格列表纯粹是作为装饰使用的,因此不用设置角色、ARIA 属性或键盘快捷键。这相当于在页面上有一系列 <div> 元素。 网格列表中的任何交互式内容都要根据应用程序的工作流进行适当的无障碍性处理。

By default, the grid-list assumes that it will be used in a purely decorative fashion and thus sets no roles, ARIA attributes, or keyboard shortcuts. This is equivalent to having a sequence of <div> elements on the page. Any interactive content within the grid-list should be given an appropriate accessibility treatment based on the specific workflow of your application.

如果网格列表用来表示一些非交互式内容型条目的列表,那么网格列表元素应该带有 role="list" 属性,而每个瓷砖应该带有 role="listitem" 属性。

If the grid-list is used to present a list of non-interactive content items, then the grid-list element should be given role="list" and each tile should be given role="listitem".